“Problems don’t fix themselves until you fix your attitude”
― Janna Cachola
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Life can be challenging.
Especially when things aren’t going your way.. That’s when your mind creates frightening “what ifs”. You worry. If you aren’t careful, fear consumes you.Then your attitude sours and you get tossed into a downward spiral,
Once you get started down that path it’s hard to recover, especially if you react from that state.
That’s what they mean when they say how you deal with life’s situations ultimately determines your quality of life.
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“It’s not about the cards you’re dealt,
but how you play the hand.”
― Randy Pausch,
The Last Lecture
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Your attitude” _builder_version=”3.29.3″ _i=”3″ _address=”″]Your attitude – in any circumstance- will impact your outcome. I know, I know, that’s a bunch of nice words, but unless you know how to change your attitude, it doesn’t help much.
So Let’s take a look at an example and how a change in attitude can improve a situation:
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”I’m Late and Can’t Stop”
Let’s say you have an important meeting at work, and you’ve left the house a little late- you’ve got barely enough time to get to the office.
And of course, your luck… the traffic light in front of you is yellow. You’re late, so you speed up, the light turned red. There he is, sitting at the intersection, he turns on the lights- you’re about to get a traffic ticket.
Now you’re angry, and rather than taking a deep breath to calm down, your anger builds, your stress rises, and you start yelling at the police officer.
With that attitude it’s no surprise that the officer takes “his sweet time” writing your ticket, making you even later for that important meeting!
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Different Attitude = Different Result
Justified or not, if you only had recognized your stress and took a moment to breathe, relax and reframe -,your morning would have been very different.
- You would have realized that stopping at the yellow light was a two-minute delay – instead of the 20-minute delay you experienced with the police officer!
- Being pleasant with the officer may have resulted in a “warning” instead of a ticket
- A bad attitude left you stuck with a large fine – money you would have rather used elsewhere
Your morning has been difficult, and if you don’t take the time to adjust your attitude, you may have even have more issues pop up.
It’s human nature to want to respond to life’s stresses with a matching tone.
But when that tone’s negative, you’ll almost always end up being worse off.
When you change your attitude you conquer your challenges
– rather than let them defeat you.
You ALWAYS choose your reaction to life’s events.
The question is,do your choices empower you? Or disable you?
Do they create “self-sabotage”?.
You don’t need to turn into Patty Positive – that’s unrealisticm, and a blind positivity can hamper you – but that’s a story for another time.
Until then, can I suggest you become realistic – with a “positive” lean.
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I truly love sharing what I learn with you. Watching someone have an “a-ha” moment is one of the best things in life for me.
Because I am a consummate “student” – when I find something new and interesting, I really dig deep. I study hard and then I use what I’ve learned to help others. (Yeah, I have gathered together quite a toolbox!)
I truly do believe in the power of “Jump Starts” and the ability everyone has to “get un-stuck.” If I can do it, anyone can!
You can connect with me by email at startnewyearright (at) gmail.com and visit my personal website is: www.mariannestrait.com
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I believe that every human is unique and valuable,
even if they aren’t able to recognize it themselves.
I believe each and every one has the power to create a great life
once they recognize -and accept- their value.
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Even as a child I’ve been able to help people change the way they see themselves – helping them move from a “victim” to an “owner” mindset. I help them to gain self-confidence and recognize their strengths. I’ve discovered that it’s only when you do that, can you “get un-stuck” and “Jump Start” your life.
What drives me is helping others to succeed, to be a support system while they are taking steps toward their dream, and to watch them celebrate their victories.
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The Biggest Lesson I’ve learned is the power of your mind. It truly does create and destroy.
It was quite a shock when I realized the power that my mindset played in every part of my life – good and bad. Discovery wasn’t enough though, it still took me decades to harness this power, learn to control it, and develop a system to help others master this in a fraction of the time it took me.
Taking responsibility – even for how others treated me – was one of the hardest adjustments I had to make. To move from Victim to Owner mindset was not only difficult, it was, at times, scary.
It is a move that I am thrilled to have taken. It changed my life and it can change yours.